
Distributed Applications and Functions Over Redundant Unattended Sensors

Start date: march 2009
End date: july 2012
Funding: Agence Nationale de la Recherche (ANR) – programme VERSO
Partners: LaBRI, Thalès Communications, Coronis systems (Elster group)

The Diaforus project aims at building a framework to facilitate the deployment of a wireless sensor network for area surveillance. Sensors are supposed to be placed around an area of interest and should auto-organize from this point to report meaningful events to a central coordination point while filtering false alarms. Diaforus relies on standard communication layers: Wavenis (Coronis systems technology) at the physical and MAC levels and µIP at the network layer (using RPL for routing).

As for every wireless sensor network, the devices should be left unattended and should preserve their battery reserve as long as possible. Decisions such as the filtering of false alarms should happen as early as possible. To this extent, Diaforus relies on in-network collaborative reasoning; nodes which sense unusual data verify coherence with close sensors, using artificial intelligence techniques, before sending an alarm to the control center.

Telecom ParisTech focuses on the optimization of the communication layers. In this context, asynchronous communication paradigms such as publish/subscribe are very appealing. In a full Publish/subscribe system, information producers (sensors here) send data to a set of particular nodes (the brokers) and information consumers (reasoning nodes, control center, mobile operator, etc.) contact these brokers in parallel to express their interest in certain types of data. The broker perform all the association and forwarding duties, which suppresses the need for a global addressing scheme (nodes only need to know the identity of a broker) and eases communication optimization as the brokers may aggregate, compress or filter data, and they may also use multicast transmission to reach multiple subscribers.

Télécom ParisTech is in charge of the definition, implementation and optimization of the publish/subscribe middleware and is currently investigating the optimization of the brokers overlay.

Télécom ParisTech staff

  • Claude Chaudet, Associate Professor
  • Nicola Costagliola, engineer
  • Isabelle Demeure, Professor
  • Salma Ktari, Post-doctoral fellow
  • Samuel Tardieu, Associate Professor

Former contributors

  • Maciej Franecki, Ph.D candidate
  • Srudeep Katamaready, Télécom ParisTech student
  • Elie Richa, Télécom ParisTech student